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I have made many attempts to create the perfect recipe of a vegan burger and I think I finally nailed it!

The perfect veganburger for me have a crispy outer shell and a "al dente mixture", have lots of flavor from natural ingredients, are not falling apart and can be eaten day after hot or cold. This recipe got it all!

You'll need;

2 redbeets (cooked)

2 cups soaked (uncooked) chickpeas

1 cup soaked buckwheat

2 carrots

1 springonion (2 if they are small)

1 1/2 tbsp psyllium husk

1 teaspoon dijon mustard


Half squeezed lemon


How to do;

Soak the chickpeas and whole buckwheat in water into separate (or the same) bowls during the night or at least 8 hours before using them

Rinse well, the buckwheat get really slimy during soaking.

Chop the carrots and the onion into slices and fry into a pan with olive oil, add salt and pepper

Put everything in a big bowl and mix around with the psylluim husk, mustard, oregano, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Mix everything in a foodproccesor to a smooth paste, taste and see if it's need more seasoning

Forming small burgers with wet hands and fry them in a pan with plenty of olive oil around 5 minutes on every side, lower the heat and let them fry 10 minutes more

Perfect to eat with a mushroomrisotto, in a (glutenfree) burgerbread with lettuce, tomato, onion, goatcheese or a dressing, with sweetpotato fries or wrapped in a big lettuce leaf!

Made with love xx Isabel

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