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Having the day off means I can have my breakfast, in peace and quiet on the terrace with the doggies. I didn't have that much breakfast ingridients at home so I made a simple banana pancake of 2 eggs, 2 overripe bananas, 1 tbsp psyllium husk, a pinch of vanilla powder and salt.

Then I realized I had time for Beethoven at the dog hairdresser at 10.30 so we rush over there and while he got his haircut I went for some organic shopping in my lovlely little health store. El Herbolario

I've realized that noni is a really common fruit here on Tenerife and it's full of health benefits. I've seen nonis in the farmersmarket a million times but I've never really know how to use it. This is how you normally see it, as juice! You can do it at home, but it's not that easy as just pass it through the juice centrifuge. Nope, it takes around 3 months making it into juice. Yeah, 3 months! But after researching I found another way to do, freeeze-juicing, by freezing riped nonis you accelerate the fermentationprocess and you have a juice within days. But I don't know, It seems to complicated for me right now, and bying that bottle for over 30 euro isn't an opcion either. So no noni-juice for me at the moment.

I bought some other stuff, peanutbutter, bee pollen, gluten free pasta, coconutmilk, almond oil (for body moisturizer) yogitea, chocolate etc..

And the dog hairdresser did a really great job with beto, as always!

Have a nice weekend! XX Isabel

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